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The Alzheimer’s Society want people to address dementia directly, and share their thoughts and concerns during Dementia Awareness Week 2016

This week is Dementia Awareness Week (15-21 May) and the Alzheimer’s Society is challenging people across the country to say how they will ‘confront dementia’, posting their message with a selfie on social media.

They want people to face up to dementia and share their worries about the condition by addressing it directly, and then coming to the Society for information and support.

They want people to share their thoughts, fears and feelings either in a letter, or even by sharing them on social media using the hashtag #DAW2016.

They’ve provided a special site where you can input what you want to say into a ready-made poster, which you can then either share online or print out.

Click here to create your own ‘Dear Dementia’ post.

Comedian Rhod Gilbert is supporting this year’s Dementia Awareness Week campaign by appearing in a video in which he directly addresses dementia, and explains why it’s so important to confront dementia, not shy away from talking about it, and get the support that you or a loved one needs.

‘A dementia diagnosis can be daunting – but the only way to make sure that life doesn’t have to end when dementia begins is by confronting your worries and seeking help.

‘I know from personal experience that dementia can be really tough to deal with but I also know it’s vital people worried about the condition go to charities like Alzheimer’s Society for help and support. This way we can all tackle dementia together.’

Watch Rhod’s video below.

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