Unforgettable customer Wendy Reynolds shares this lovely video of her mum Pat, who has dementia, enjoying some painting.
‘Mum suffered an episode of delirium after a bad chest infection about five years ago,’ Wendy told us. ‘This was the start of her ‘forgetfulness’ which has gradually increased since then. It has been a challenging time especially as I worked full time and found it hard keeping an eye on her. I gave up work to enable me to see Mum on a daily basis as she lives nearby. Mum used to love drawing and doing ‘painting-by-numbers’ years ago, and really enjoys doing her ‘Magic Paintings’ now.
Keeping Mum occupied can be hard at times but she enjoys listening to pop music on the radio and watching television, although she cannot understand that there are more than three channels to choose from!
‘Recently Mum has been telephoning me very early in the morning at 6:00am asking, ‘is it morning or night?’ which was a bit disconcerting when I normally wake up around 8:00am! The digital day clock stating morning, afternoon and night has been invaluable in her bedroom.
‘On a positive note, one thing I have noticed since Mum has been diagnosed with dementia is her sense of humour has surfaced more – we have a laugh together especially when we both forget something when chatting together!’
Now watch the video showing Pat using Aquapaint Painting with Water – at the seaside. As Pat paints, she and Wendy reminisce about holidays, trips to Skegness and donkey rides.
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