New to caring? 10 facts you need to know

Caring for someone with dementia can be very rewarding and bring a great deal of satisfaction, but it can also be physically and emotionally draining. Whether you’re new to caring or have been caring for a loved one for quite some time, here’s a few things you ought to know:

2021-05-04T08:27:08+01:00December 20th, 2018|Dementia, General|0 Comments

Feeling frightened about the future? You aren’t alone

Whether you recently became a carer or have been caring for quite some time, you are bound to have moments when you feel afraid, worried or scared about what you’ve taken on and what might happen. After all, caring for someone with dementia is a huge responsibility – what if you can’t handle it? Here’s a few ideas to help you cope:

2021-05-04T08:27:08+01:00December 20th, 2018|Dementia, General|0 Comments

We’ve all been there too, David

Almost 300 people replied to a recent tweet from comedian and writer David Baddiel when he asked for help with his dad’s recurring battle with Urinary Tract Infections. Here’s some of the very useful advice David received from many well-wishers and family carers – you may find some of it helpful too.

2021-05-04T08:27:08+01:00December 13th, 2018|Dementia, General|0 Comments

I can’t get enough sleep

Feeling permanently tired because you aren’t sleep can make caring for someone with dementia even harder. Sleepless nights or disrupted sleep can have a negative impact on mental and physical wellbeing, leaving you feeling utterly exhausted. So what can you do about it? Here’s a few ideas

2023-03-30T09:47:50+01:00December 1st, 2018|Dementia, General|0 Comments